

Prepare your stay

Eating going out

Rediscover your inner balance with Naturopathy and your well-being with massage
- Nutritional coaching - Lifestyle advice - Phytotherapy - Aromatherapy - Micronutrition - Massage
- Phytotherapy - Aromatherapy - Micronutrition - Wellness massages
- Wellness, detox and Balinese massages -
- Manual lymph drainage -
Elodie Bodier, Naturopath, is a CENATHO graduate, FENA certified and OMNES accredited.
This holistic approach helps you rebalance your body using natural means to prevent physiological dysfunctions and illnesses.
Elodie offers personalized advice for a healthier lifestyle, including healthy eating, physical activity, stress and emotional management.
Other techniques :
- Hydrology
- Relaxation, breathing
- Gemmotherapy, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies...
- Massages and Manual Lymphatic Drainage